Feb 22, 2007

my first effort

ok, i am now a blogger. does that mean i have to come up with pithy and clever things to discuss? can i just ramble about my normal life? oh wait....I CAN DO WHATEVER I DAMN WELL PLEASE IN MY OWN BLOG!
there, got that out of my system.
now for that normal life stuff....mr blind is in hawaii for work this week. he keeps talking about how he'd like to have me there. i would love to be there too, this winter in virginia crap sucks. someday.............we are all meeting in denver this weekend, family gathering stuff, dad and stepmom wedding anniversary, mom birthday, nephew is one month, niece to be born on tuesday, etc.
one of the neater girls at work quit today. management really didn't help her out with her medical issues, just kept moving her desk and never addressing the heavy perfume smell or smoke people had lingering on their clothes, said it wasn't their place to tell people they couldn't wear perfume or smoke during office hours. i'm sad to see her go, she and i got along well.
so now i've started blogging, my first entry seemed to go well, i hope i get the motivation to do this more often than just this one time.....here's hopin anyway.

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